The patient has the right to benefit from healthcare services according to their needs, within the framework of justice and fairness principles.
Efforts should be made to ensure that patients receive services without conflicting with their cultural and spiritual values during the care process.
Different perceptions and expectations of medical practices and privacy related to the patient’s social and cultural characteristics should be evaluated.
The patient has the right to receive a clear and detailed invoice for the fees they will pay in exchange for the provided services.
The patient can request information on how to benefit from healthcare services. If the patient is of foreign nationality, they have the right to receive information through an interpreter.
The patient has the right to choose a healthcare institution and benefit from healthcare services provided in the chosen healthcare institution. The patient has the right to freely choose the identity information, duties, and titles of the personnel who will provide healthcare services to them. If our patient accepts their request and additional payment, they have the right to change the physician responsible for their treatment and request consultation from other physicians. The right of a physician to refuse a patient is not only a right for physicians practicing their profession freely but also for physicians working as employees or having an employer, in other words, in private healthcare institutions or public healthcare institutions. Of course, it should be noted that this “freedom” can only be used outside of emergencies, and in emergency situations, it is obligatory for the physician to treat the patient if the necessary standard medical intervention is guaranteed. In addition, it should not be forgotten that the existence of valid justifications and the guarantee of the same institution providing the necessary standard of medical intervention to the patient.
Respecting the patient’s privacy is essential. The patient can explicitly request the protection of their privacy. All medical interventions are carried out while respecting the patient’s privacy.
Under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, all data shared by our patient with our institution and obtained during the diagnosis and treatment processes are stored in a way that can only be accessed by relevant employees and are not shared in any way, except as permitted by law.
Except for the exceptions specified in the law, no one can be subjected to medical surgery without their consent and in a manner contrary to the consent given. The patient has the right to stop and refuse treatment at any desired point.
In cases where the approval of the legal representative of the patient is required and the procedure is urgent, if the representative’s approval cannot be obtained on time, the medical procedure can be performed with the decision and written approval of two physicians.
The patient cannot be included in research for research purposes without consent, and no organ or tissue can be taken or sold in exchange for any fee or other benefit.
All healthcare institutions are obliged to take necessary measures to protect the life and property security of patients, visitors, and accompanying individuals.
Measures are taken within the possibilities of healthcare institutions to allow patients to freely fulfill their religious duties. Our patients have the right to wear their specific clothes and use symbols related to their beliefs, as long as it does not hinder their treatment.
The patient has the right to benefit from healthcare services in a manner and environment suitable for their personal values.
Right to Receive Visitors and Have Companions
The acceptance of patient visitors is carried out in a way that does not disturb the peace and tranquility of patients, and the necessary measures are taken in this regard.
Depending on the discretion of the responsible physician, a companion may be present to assist the patient during
examination and treatment.
The patient and those related to the patient have the right to make all kinds of applications, complaints, and lawsuits in accordance with the legislation in case of the violation of patient rights. You can make your opinions, suggestions, thanks, problem-solving, and complaint applications regarding the healthcare service you received by notifying the official website or the International Patient Coordinator.
Individuals should do their best to take care of their health and follow the advice given for a healthy life.
The patient is obliged to report changes in their health, social security, and personal information in a timely manner.
Except for emergency situations, the patient is responsible for informing how their healthcare expenses will be paid at the application stage.
Our patient is responsible for paying the required amount within the period determined by the institution.
The patient must provide complete and accurate information about their complaints, previous illnesses, whether they have received any inpatient treatment, the medications they are currently using, and all other information related to their health.
The patient must comply with the rules and practices of the healthcare institution they apply to. The patient must comply with the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and other social security institutions. The patient is expected to cooperate with healthcare professionals during the treatment, care, and recovery process. If the patient is benefiting from a healthcare facility that provides scheduled services, they must comply with the date and time of the appointment and inform the relevant place about any changes. The patient must respect the rights of clinical staff, other patients, and visitors.
The patient is responsible for compensating for any damage caused to clinical materials.
If the patient does not comply with the rules, does not listen to warnings, does not undergo necessary treatment, or causes discomfort to other patients, their treatment in the institution may be terminated with the request of the physician and the approval of the institution’s supervisor.
The patient should carefully listen to and ask questions about treatment and medication-related recommendations. If the patient is unable to comply with the treatment recommendations, they should inform the healthcare professional. The patient should indicate whether they understand the healthcare and post-discharge care plan correctly.
The patient is responsible for the consequences arising from rejecting the treatment or not following the recommendations.